My Video Collection
A note about my vides. These videos fall into three (3) major classes: 1) Those that I have “acquired” elsewhere and am re-posting here for your viewing. 2) Two that are “home movies,” so to speak, that document my skydiving. And 3), music videos I have “produced,” combining an audio track together with images and text. Several of these are ballads that were first recorded in Vietnam and others dealing with Vietnam Veterans, today.
Free free to download, copy and share these videos.
A Shau Tower or The Battle of A Shau: 1st of seven (7) music videos compiled by me from ballads that were written and performed in SEA during the war in Vietnam circa ‘67 - ‘68. This ballad recounts the true story of the rescue of a downed SPAD pilot by one of his wing men.
Duration: 3 min. 45 sec.
As We Came Around and Tried to Get Some More: 2nd of seven (7) music videos compiled by me from ballads that were written and performed in SEA during the war in Vietnam circa ‘67 - ‘68. This ballad tells the gruesome story of three fighter pilots avenging the loss of one of their own. Men responsible for wreaking death and destruction on the enemy often adopt what seems to be a very
blasé attitude. Duration: 1 min. 47 sec.
The Ballad of the Green Brassiere: 3rd of seven (7) music videos compiled by me from ballads that were written and performed in SEA during the war in Vietnam circa ‘67 - ‘68. This ballad, sung to the tune of The Ballad of the Green Beret, tells the tale of the loss of one of the most beloved of those serving in the Vietnam War, the military nurses. Their suffering is but a miror note in the history of the
War, except for those of us to whom they administered.
Duration: 2 min. 38 sec.
The FAC Who Never Returned: 4th of seven (7) music videos compiled by me from ballads that were written and performed in SEA during the war in Vietnam circa ‘67 - ‘68. This is the story of another of the too often unsung heros of the war in Vietnam. The “story” is told by the song,
so enjoy. Duration: 3 min. 33 sec.
Friendly FAC: 5th of seven (7) music videos compiled by me from ballads that were written and performed in SEA during the war in Vietnam circa ‘67 - ‘68. This ballad mimics a radio conversation between a besieged Special Forces patrol and their FAC. This is really fun and clearly shows
the camaraderie and mutual respect these warriors felt.
Duration: 4 min. 36 sec.
Stand to Your Glasses: 6th of seven (7) music videos compiled by me from ballads that were written and performed in SEA during the war in Vietnam circa ‘67 - ‘68. This song, which has many versions and is known by many different titles is based upon a poem written by Francis
Thompson (1808-42), a youthful junior official stationed in India.
Duration: 1 min. 54 sec.
Strafe the Town and Kill the People: Last of seven (7) music videos compiled by me from ballads that were written and performed in SEA during the war in Vietnam circa ‘67 - ‘68. A song of terrible black humor. As with As We Came Around and Tried to Get Some More, men responsible for
wreaking death and destruction on the enemy often adopt what seems
to be a very blasé attitude. Duration: 0 min. 52 sec.