Tributes to the American Soldier
A note about my vides. These videos fall into three (3) major classes: 1) Those that I have “acquired” elsewhere and am re-posting here for your viewing. 2) Two that are “home movies,” so to speak, that document my skydiving. And 3), music videos I have “produced,” combining an audio track together with images and text. Several of these are ballads that were first recorded in Vietnam and others dealing with Vietnam Veterans, today.
Free free to download, copy and share these videos.
Give Me a Huey: A fitting tribute to the aircraft most associated with the war in Vietnam. Good music, lyrics and imagry. This is a “happy” view of our most favorite bird. It will make you smile and say, “Oh hell, YES!! Anyone who can watch this video and not get goose-bumps, is not a Vietnam veteran. Duration: 4 min. 36 sec.
The Man in the Doorway: Another tribute to the Huey and her crews. A poem that will make you feel proud and tear your heart out at the same time. This one will bring tears to the eyes of anyone who was there and those that can empathize with us. Make sure your friends and family see these. It might help them understand our war. Duration: 4 min. 12 sec.
Remembering the Ultimate Sacrifice: Dedicated to the American Soldier. This slide show, set to music (artist not identified), pays homage to the ultimate sacrifice a warrior can make. A sacrifice we each accepted as a possiblity when we put on the uniform. Duration: 4 min. 50 sec.
America, Remember Me: I received the music for this video many months ago. I added the imagery in an attempt to bring the plight of our “forgotten” we always leave behind. I intentionally chose the most disturbing POW graphics I could find. Viewer discretion is advised.
Duration: 3 min. 40 sec.
Don’t Blame it on Us: I, also, received the music for this video many months ago and added the imagery. From the time of my last home coming in 1970, until President Reagan admonished Americans to not blame the Vietnam War on the warriors, veterans were openly despised by our fellow citizens, including veterans from earlier wars. It is the experience of most Vietnam veterans, that this attitude has just gone into the closet. This song, obviously recently recorded, exposes the blame
and disrespect we still endure. Duration: 3 min. 36 sec.
We Thought it Would Always be That Way: Like the previous two (2), I received the music for this video many months ago. This is a stark reminder about the “Home Coming” of the Vietnam veterans vs. what we expected and deserved. The ubspoken stigma continues with mere lip-service being given in recognition to our service to OUR country and our sacrifices for OUR country. It is a
time in America’s history the American people want to put behind us,
to the great detriment of my brothers. Duration: 3 min. 42 sec.
I Fought For You: A Video I recently found that expresses some of the frustration veterans face when dealing with the protected, now 99% of the population. This one always makes my eyes leak.. Duration: 4 min. 14 sec.