Welcome to the Life and Times of SFC Michael G. Stahl, U.S. Army (Ret.) MORE FUN THAN FEAR

Letters From Vietnam



How about doing me a favor. I'd like a couple of catalogs, college type, from schools which have aeronautical engineering (I can't spell it but I'd like to study it.) on their curriculum (God! Who ever invented that word?)

What I'm thinking up about is before I get out of the Army in 1971!!! I want to take the foundation courses in flight school and through the Army extension courses. Then maybe I'd only half one or two years I'd have to spend on campus. Or something. It might even be useful in Australia, to which I still plan on going to.

Well! I've got almost 2 months down. Only 10 they go. God. It's going to be a long year. Surprisingly enough the time I've already spent here away from Betty and Yvette, cars, civilization, generators that run all night and far enough away they can't be heard, people that speak English and don't think it's an honor to steal from Americans, etc., I wouldn't trade the experience for a million dollars. Well, maybe a million dollars.

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