PTSD Group |
SKYDIVING: 1963 TO 2011 |
1st Silver Star |
2nd Silver Star |
1st Bronze Star Medal |
2nd Bronze Star Medal |
Air Medal |
Purple Heart |
Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry |
Manatee Junior College |
University of Southern Colorado |
University of Northern Colorado |
Commencement Program |
Who's Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges |
My Jump Log |
Sky Diver Article |
Partial Malfunction: Up Close and Personal |
Club Patches |
Membership/Qualification Cards |
Warrior Tribute |
Vietnam Ballads |
Special Forces |
Jump Master's Dance |
Give Me A Huey |
Man in the Doorway |
Remembering the Ultimate Sacrifice |
America, Remember Me |
Don't Blame it on Us |
We Though it Would Always be that Way |
I Fought For You |
Glorious Curse |
Chwalebne klątwa |
A Shau Tower |
As We Came Around |
Ballad Of the Green Brassiere |
FAC Who Never Returned |
Friendly FAC |
Stand to Your Glasses |
Strafe the Town |
Sky diving in 1966 |
Sky diving in 2011 |
Sky diving in Denmark |
MACV-SOG: Suicide Missions |
MACV-SOG with John Plaster |
Nha Ky Thuat |
Tribute to SOG and LLRP’s |
MACV-SOG History Video |
The Story of Special Forces |
USASF - Elite Army service |
Road to Becoming a Green Beret |
The Complete History of the Green Berets |
25 Aug 67 |
09 Sep 67 |
02 Oct 67 |
12 Oct 67 |
27 Oct 67 |
PTSD Group |
SKYDIVING: 1963 TO 2011 |
1st Silver Star |
2nd Silver Star |
1st Bronze Star Medal |
2nd Bronze Star Medal |
Air Medal |
Purple Heart |
Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry |
Manatee Junior College |
University of Southern Colorado |
University of Northern Colorado |
Commencement Program |
Who's Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges |
My Jump Log |
Sky Diver Article |
Partial Malfunction: Up Close and Personal |
Club Patches |
Membership/Qualification Cards |
Warrior Tribute |
Vietnam Ballads |
Special Forces |
Jump Master's Dance |
Give Me A Huey |
Man in the Doorway |
Remembering the Ultimate Sacrifice |
America, Remember Me |
Don't Blame it on Us |
We Though it Would Always be that Way |
I Fought For You |
Glorious Curse |
Chwalebne klątwa |
A Shau Tower |
As We Came Around |
Ballad Of the Green Brassiere |
FAC Who Never Returned |
Friendly FAC |
Stand to Your Glasses |
Strafe the Town |
Sky diving in 1966 |
Sky diving in 2011 |
Sky diving in Denmark |
MACV-SOG: Suicide Missions |
MACV-SOG with John Plaster |
Nha Ky Thuat |
Tribute to SOG and LLRP’s |
MACV-SOG History Video |
The Story of Special Forces |
USASF - Elite Army service |
Road to Becoming a Green Beret |
The Complete History of the Green Berets |
25 Aug 67 |
09 Sep 67 |
02 Oct 67 |
12 Oct 67 |
27 Oct 67 |
Letters From Vietnam
Page 3
Well I've been working working (SIC) with my demo man, sort of screwing around and tonight the demo man is on patrol. Guess who got to blow up the mine! Well, that's life in the big city of Tien Phuoc.
By the way. What does area Aeronautical Engineering mean anyway?
If you think Tien Phuoc is a wild name, we have a village here in our safe area (The area within our AO [area of operation that was a "no fire" zone meaning no outside units could bomb, or conduct military operations.] It was "safe" for the Vietnamese who lived there and the refugees who had moved there.) called Phuoc My (Ph as F, MY as ME)
I still don't have any real war stories for you. We've got a patrol out now which just got 75 confirmed KIA (VC), but I still haven't been shot at except for a crazy Indian (One of our Vietnemese mercanary troops in the CIDG [Civilian Irregular Defense group]) who got drunk on rice wine and took over our Team House.
See you in August.
Say "Hi." to all for me and tell Dana (Duane's new son.) to shut up.
Your friend
Did I ask you what you thought of the road runner? What what (SIC) do you? Think that is.
Oh yeah! I made Staff Sgt. 15 October. That's (drawing of strips) or better known as 3 up and one down. (Not bad for only about 2 months in country.)